Sunday, May 11, 2008


Crimes based on Religion, Race has rapidly increased after the September 11 attacks. The Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) reported that the crimes on race has increased most in 2003 over 2002. It mostly affected people from Middle East and also Southeast Asia. These people complained of rising violence and discrimination against them. After 9/11 people from Middle East in New York City were very scared and got discriminated a lot. They were not accepted jobs they applied. They were also mentally abused by people from other race. They were teased and were called terrorists. The kids in School were also mentally abused by their friends. Based on an article it is also found that people from other states are afraid to come to New York City. They think people will discriminate them and call them Arab or Pakistani. Airport became a big issue after 9/11. Security check became very high. The securities check all your bags, belongings etc. The most racist thing is that when they see that there is Arab passengers on board they start checking more. They make them go through a special check from everybody. I think it is not fair at all. They cannot check them separately. I think should check them all together.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Syed, is it? First, You need to take a college English class because your English is horrible. Second, you need to do your homework and research more about airport security. Airport security has always checked luggage, required passengers to go through metal detectors and selected individuals at random for secondary security screening. I'm not Middle-Eastern nor am I Muslim. I'm an American by birth, the color of my skin is white, I'm Christian and I served over 5 years in the Navy including Sept 11. Before 9/11 and still after, I get selected for secondary security screenings when I travel. Skin color, nationality and religion are not a factor. Now that I've said that I hope you don't mind me asking a few of my own questions. Who's side are you on? America's or the enemy's? You speak of the horrors of 9/11 but then say America is wrong. By the way, Syed, since you like to make it about ethnicity, what country do you come from? Your name definitely isn't American. If America is so wrong why don't you leave and go back to your own country? No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to stay. I will gladly pay for your ticket back to your home country because I don't want ignorant, illiterate people like you in the country I've risked my life defending. You speak ill of the country that allows you a freedom of such, the freedom of speech. If you said something like this in your own country you would be beaten, imprisoned, or killed. The worst you get here is someone like me stating my opinion in response to yours. Think about this before you speak next time.

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