Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Attack in Britain

America`s war partner Britain who backed and helped the Americans in war with Afghanistan. What they got in return was a terrorist attack in their own country. On July 8, 2005 50 people were killed in London as a result of a bus and a underground train bombings. The investigation for the group of people who did it went underway immediately. The FBI predicted that these bombings were very much related to the attacks occurred in 9/11. After observing hours of telivision footage, tons of wreckage was sorted for clues and the experts were trying to analyze and find information from tiny traces of explosives. There were also a lot of riders stuck under ground for hours. Some of those who got arrested in connection with London and Glasgow are Indian muslims. These arrests fears innocent Indian muslims. As a result of this, they very well know that they will be facing difficulty finding jobs overseas. I think the Al-Qaeda wanted to send a British a message not to back The Americans again. I think they tried to show the British that they can do the same thing to them like they did to the Americans.,1518,364252,00.html


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